online dermaplaning training
G&S dermaplaning kit

دورة ديرما بلانينج

سعر عاديDhs. 1,850.00
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  • الشحن السريع

ارفع خدمات التجميل الخاصة بك إلى آفاق جديدة من خلال دورة Dermaplaning، المصممة لتوفير تدريب شامل ومهني على واحدة من أكثر علاجات الوجه المرغوبة اليوم. تم تصميم هذه الدورة لمحترفي التجميل الذين يتوقون إلى صقل مهاراتهم وتزويد عملائهم بالمزايا الاستثنائية لتقنية Dermaplaning. مع تزايد شعبيتها، لا تعد تقنية Dermaplaning بجذب عملاء جدد فحسب، بل أيضًا بتعزيز سمعة صالونك في تقديم خدمات الوجه المتطورة.

تشمل أبرز مميزات الدورة ما يلي:

  • عملية تدريب شاملة: تعمق في الفروق الدقيقة في تقشير الجلد باستخدام منهج يغطي كل شيء بدءًا من الأساسيات وحتى التقنيات المتقدمة، مما يضمن ظهورك كمحترف واثق وماهر.
  • جذب العملاء: يمكن أن يؤدي تقديم خدمات تقشير الجلد إلى توسيع قاعدة عملائك بشكل كبير، مما يجذب أولئك الذين يبحثون عن علاجات عالية الجودة وغير جراحية لتجديد شباب الجلد.
  • تقديم علاج آمن وفعال: أتقن فن تقديم علاجات تقشير الجلد الآمنة والفعالة، المجهزة بأفضل الممارسات للحصول على نتائج مذهلة وخالية من المخاطر.
  • حزمة التدريب الشاملة: يمكنك الوصول إلى حزمة تدريب شاملة عبر الإنترنت، تتضمن عروضًا تقديمية للمنتج، والأسس النظرية، وعروض الفيديو التوضيحية، وإرشادات العلاج التفصيلية.
  • الدعم المستمر: استفد من الدعم المستمر والمشورة من فريق الخبراء لدينا، مما يمكّنك من دمج عملية تقشير الجلد بسلاسة في مجموعة خدمات التجميل الخاصة بك بكل ثقة.

هذه الدورة مثالية لأخصائيي التجميل ومحترفي الصالونات وأي شخص في صناعة التجميل يهدف إلى توسيع عروضهم من خلال تقشير الجلد في دبي وخارجها. من خلال إضافة هذا العلاج المطلوب بشدة إلى محفظتك، فإنك لا تعزز جودة الخدمة فحسب، بل تضمن أيضًا بقاء صالونك في طليعة صناعة التجميل.

مع دورة Dermaplaning الخاصة بنا، فإنك لا تتعلم تقنية جديدة فحسب؛ أنت تمهد الطريق لنمو الأعمال ورضا العملاء وتعزيز التطوير المهني. سواء كنت تتطلع إلى جذب عملاء جدد، أو تقديم علاجات أكثر أمانًا وفعالية، أو التأكد من أن لديك فهمًا شاملاً لتخطيط الجلد، فإن دورتنا التدريبية هي المفتاح لفتح إمكاناتك الكاملة في عالم خدمات التجميل التنافسي. انضمي إلينا اليوم وابدأي رحلتك لتصبحي خبيرة في تقشير البشرة، وجاهزة لتغيير بشرة عملائك وتجاوز توقعاتهم مع كل معالجة للوجه.

Take your beauty services to the next level with our comprehensive Dermaplaning Course. Specially crafted for beauty professionals aiming to expand their repertoire, this training offers an in-depth look at one of today's most popular facial treatments. Dermaplaning's rising popularity not only promises to draw in new clients but also positions your salon as a leader in innovative facial services.

Course Highlights:

  • In-Depth Training: Explore the intricacies of dermaplaning through a curriculum that spans from foundational knowledge to advanced techniques, ensuring you become a proficient and confident practitioner.
  • Attract New Clients: Introducing dermaplaning services can significantly widen your customer base, appealing to those in search of top-tier, minimally invasive skin rejuvenation.
  • Deliver Safe and Effective Treatments: Learn to execute dermaplaning treatments safely and effectively, adopting best practices for impressive, risk-free outcomes.
  • All-Inclusive Training Package: Gain access to a complete online training suite, including product overviews, theoretical insights, practical video guides, and thorough treatment protocols.
  • Continuous Expert Support: Enjoy ongoing assistance and recommendations from our experienced team, giving you the confidence to integrate dermaplaning smoothly into your service offerings.

Ideal for estheticians, salon professionals, and beauty industry workers in Dubai and beyond, this course equips you to enrich your service menu with dermaplaning. By incorporating this highly sought-after treatment, you not only elevate your service quality but also ensure your business stays ahead in the competitive beauty market.

Our Dermaplaning Course is more than just a training program; it's an opportunity for business expansion, heightened client satisfaction, and personal professional growth. Whether your goals include attracting a broader clientele, offering safer and more impactful treatments, or mastering dermaplaning thoroughly, our course is your gateway to achieving unparalleled success in the beauty industry. Join us to embark on your path to becoming a dermaplaning specialist, ready to enhance your clients' skin and surpass their expectations with every treatment.

Dermaplaning students undergo a thorough training process to ensure they can provide professional facials at a high standard.

When training in Dermaplaning, there is a high likelihood of attracting new clients due to the popularity of this facial treatment.

For safe and effective treatment delivery, we teach equip you with the broad base of knowledge and skill needed.

Included within the online training:

  • Product Presentation
  • Manual
  • Professional Kit
  • Theory
  • Video Demonstration
  • 1-2-1 Video Meeting With Instructor
  • Case Studies
  • Treatment Guidelines
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Ongoing support

You will receive a kit valued at 855AED as part of your training.

Visit the link below to see all items included in your training package.

Dermaplaning Kit

On completion of the Dermaplaning training, you will:

1. Understand the core knowledge of the Dermaplaning treatment.

2. Relate the Anatomy & Physiology of the skin to the Dermaplaning.

3. Relate the beauty therapy basics to the Dermaplaning treatment.

4. Understand the health & safety principles of the Dermaplaning treatment.

5. Complete a safe and effective Dermaplaning treatment.

Upon registration for a course, individuals are automatically accepting our Terms and Conditions.

  • Before purchasing one of our courses, you need to ensure that your state/country allows you to become sufficiently licensed in order to perform the procedure, according to local legislation, which would vary between states and countries.

  • All paid online courses fees are non-refundable.

  • Let us know if you are struggling or need any extra help to complete your course.

  • Understand that all provided material is copyrighted and any documents, manuals, information is non transferable.

  • Taking this course, does not entitle you to teach others in Glow & Skin techniques or to re-sell any material or intellectual property.

  • Aim to submit all case studies within 1 month of starting the course.


Our dermaplaning course stands out for several reasons. First, it's been meticulously designed by industry experts with years of experience, ensuring the content is both comprehensive and cutting-edge. Unlike other courses that might focus solely on the basics, ours covers a wide spectrum—from fundamental principles to advanced techniques, ensuring a well-rounded education. Additionally, we offer an all-inclusive online training package, complete with detailed product presentations, theoretical foundations, practical video demonstrations, and clear treatment guidelines, all aimed at maximizing your learning experience. Furthermore, our commitment to ongoing support post-completion means you're never alone in your journey; you can count on our team of experts to help you integrate dermaplaning into your services confidently. Lastly, our course is recognized for its ability to significantly enhance your salon's offerings and client satisfaction, making it a valuable investment in your professional development and business growth.

This course is specially crafted for estheticians, salon professionals, and any beauty industry practitioners who wish to expand their service offerings with dermaplaning. It’s ideal for those aiming to enhance their skills and provide high-quality, non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatments to their clients.

The course covers everything. You'll learn the theoretical foundations, product knowledge, safe and effective treatment protocols, and client care. The training includes product presentations, video demonstrations, 1-2-1 video meeting with instructor and practical guidelines to ensure you become a skilled dermaplaning professional.

While prior experience in skincare or esthetics is beneficial, it is not strictly required. The course is structured to accommodate professionals with varying levels of experience, from beginners to seasoned experts looking to add dermaplaning to their service offerings.

Yes, upon successfully completing the course and passing the assessment, you will receive a certificate of completion that acknowledges your expertise in dermaplaning. This certification can enhance your professional credibility and salon’s reputation.

Absolutely. Dermaplaning can be an excellent addition to various facial treatments, enhancing their effectiveness and results. The course includes guidance on how to seamlessly integrate dermaplaning into your existing service offerings.

Yes, we offer ongoing support and advice to ensure you can confidently integrate dermaplaning into your beauty services. Our team of experts is here to assist you with any questions or guidance you may need post-completion.

Enrollment is easy. Visit our website, select the dermaplaning course, and follow the registration instructions. You can start enhancing your skills and expanding your service offerings right away.

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